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Cybersecurity and Cyber Terrorism in the News

April 17, 2011 | post a comment | Mark Russinovich

Cybersecurity and Cyber Terrorism in the News

There's been a lot happening in the world of cybersecurity and cyber-terrorism. Here's a summary of some of the key recent headlines from just the last two weeks that relate to Zero Day:

Sky News story on Chinese hackers targeting Western firms (with live hack of Sky News reporter)

The US and EU have agreed to run a joint cyberwar exercise in 2011

Iran blames Siemens, the US and Israel for the Stuxnet virus attack they claim destroyed several centrifuges used in their Uranium enrichment program last summer

The White House is circulating a draft bill that would give DHS oversight of civilian networks

Howard Schmitd, the White House cybersecurity advisor and author of the forward to Zero Day, helped usher the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace through to become the government's official policy

The FBI's Assistant Director of the Cyber Division told the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism last week that "there is not enough protection to stop people from accessing personal home systems, businesses and much of our national infrastructure."

The FBI got an unprecedented court order allowing them to take over the Coreflood botnet in order to disable it

A US Senator stated last week that the US needs a cybersecurity emergency response team

FBI head Robert Mueller told Congress that Al Queda cyber terrorism is real threat and that al Queda has shown interest in hacking skills

Russian President Medvedev denounced a cyber-attack on a popular Russian social networking cite that hosts his blog

The University of Rhode Island hosted a cybersecurity symposium last week that drew members of the cybersecurity community and government

An industry survey admits that most energy and utility companies don't use state-of-the-art technology to defend their networks and are exposed to sophisticated cyber-attacks

Law firms are increasingly attacked by stealthy, low-profile cyber-attacks much like the one that opens Zero Day

The NY Times observes that cyber-attacks and cybercrime create an asymmetrical online war

Experts see a rising thread of cyberattacks in the US

A NASA report on a cyber-attack that compromised their networks put the International Space Station, Hubble telescope and Shuttle program at risk

The US government admits that cyber attackers have the upper hand

Germany has created a cyber-defense center

IBM says that they see 13 billion cybersecurity alerts every day


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Mark Russinovich works at Microsoft in the Microsoft Azure product team as Chief Technology Officer. Read more...

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