Speaking events, Trojan Horse »
My Sessions at RSA Conference US 2013
December 22, 2012 | 1 Comment | Mark Russinovich
I’m excited to announce that I’m delivering two sessions at the prestigious RSA Conference on cybersecurity, which takes place in San Francisco from February 25 to March 1. One is Malware Hunting with the Sysinternals Tools, where I teach you how to use several of my popular Sysinternals utilities, including Process Explorer, Process Monitor and Autoruns, to diagnose and clean malware infections. The theme of my second talk, Trojan Horse: The Widespread Use of International Cyber-Espionage as a Weapon, is obviously aligned with that of my novel Trojan Horse.
Here are the session abstracts and times and below them a link to the conference’s full session list.
HTA-R32 – Malware Hunting with the Sysinternals Tools
Thursday, February 28 09:20 AM – 10:20 AM
This session will provide an overview of several Sysinternals tools, including Process Monitor, Process Explorer and Autoruns, focusing on features useful for malware analysis and removal. We will demonstrate malware-hunting capabilities by presenting several real-world cases that used the tools to identify and clean malware, and conclude by performing a live analysis of current malware samples.EXP-R35 – Trojan Horse: The Widespread Use of International Cyber-Espionage as a Weapon
Thursday, February 28 01:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Learn how governments including the U.S., Russia, China and Iran, use cyberspace as a theater of cyber warfare and espionage. Understand the trends and where escalation may lead.
RSA Conference full session list.
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